
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Malaysian Food - Spicy Fried Chicken / Ayam Goreng Berempah

Fried chicken is one dish you find all over the world but every country has its own unique fried chicken recipe. For Malaysia it is spicy fried chicken (Ayam Goreng Berempah). This recipe is from the celebrity chef/ actress Sheila Rusly

Malaysian Food – Spicy Fried Chicken / Ayam Goreng Berempah


1 chicken – cut into 8 – 12 pieces
3 teaspoons of fish curry powder
3 teaspoons of turmeric powder
4 shallots
6 lemon grass – cut into 1 – 3 cm in length
2 pieces of galangal – cut into 1 – 3 cm
5 teaspoons of chili paste
2 sprigs of curry leaves
5 dried chilies – cut into 3
1 teaspoon of chicken flavoring or salt
Oil for deep frying

  1. Coarsely pound the shallots, galangal and lemon grass
  2. Add in the curry powder, turmeric powder, the pounded ingredients, the flavoring/salt and the chili paste on the chicken. Mix until all the pieces are well coated
  3. Marinate or leave over-night in the fridge
  4. Before frying, remove as much as possible the marinade from the chicken pieces
  5. Heat the oil, and fry the chicken until brown
  6. Continuously remove the crumbs so that it will not get burnt
  7. Fry the excess marinade, when it is slightly brown add in the dried chilies and the curry leaves
  8. Remove and drain the oil
  9. When serving, sprinkle the marinade crumbs on the chicken

Recipe adapted from Sheila Rusly's facebook page

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Malaysian Food - Chili Crabs with Egg / Ketam Masak Cili Bertelur

According to Wikipedia, Chili crab is a seafood dish popular in Singapore and Malaysia. Mud crabs are commonly used and are stir-fried in a semi-thick, sweet and savory tomato and chili based sauce. The stir-fried crabs began as a street-food and were created by a Singaporean chef, Cher Yam Tian and her husband Lim Choo Ngee who first sold this mouth-watering dish from a pushcart in the 50’s.

This is a Malaysian version of the Chili Crabs. It is quick and simple but oh .... Soooo GOOD!

Malaysian Food: Chili Crabs with Egg / Ketam Masak Cili Bertelur

2 big-sized crabs – remove the shell and cut into 2
3 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp chili sauce
3 tbsp chili paste
7 shallots
1 garlic
4 cm ginger
1 egg
Salt and sugar

  1. Blend the chili, garlic, shallots and ginger and fry the blended ingredients until fragrant
  2. Add in 1 cup of water
  3. Add in the crabs, close the wok with a lid for 10 minutes
  4. Add in all the sauces, salt and sugar to taste
  5. Mix until all the crabs are coated with the sauce. Add in the beaten egg
  6. Stir vigorously so that the egg will not curdle

************** MALAY VERSION **************

2 ekor ketam yang agak besar dibuang kulit yang keras tu dan dibelah dua.
3 sudu sos tiram
3 sudu sos cili
3 sudu cili yang dah diblend
7 ulas bawang merah
1 ulas bawang putih yang agak besar
sepotong halia
sebiji telur
sedikit gula
sedikit minyak untuk menumis
bawang besar

  1. Tumbuk cili, bawang putih, bawang merah dan halia tumiskan sehingga bangkit baunya
  2. Masukkan secawan air
  3. Masukkan ketam, tutup kuali sehingga 10 minit
  4. Masukkan segala sos, gula dan garam secukup rasa
  5. Bila semua dah nampak macam sebati, masukkan telur yang dah dipukul,
  6. Kacau cepat-cepat supaya telur tak berketul.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Malaysian Food - How to cook Mee Rebus / Cara Membuat Mee Rebus

This Mee Rebus recipe is one of my Mom’s favorite recipes. This recipe is easy to do and it will be your family’s favorite too.

Mee Rebus


           500g small-sized prawns – boiled and keep aside 1 liter of the stock
500g beef – Cook the meat until tender and dice. Keep aside 1 liter of the stock
Beef Curry Powder
1 onion – sliced
3 lemon grass – bruised
5cm galangal – bruised
2 tomatoes – cut in 6 wedges
2 cups peanuts – pounded
4 tbsp tomato ketchup
2 tbsp fermented soya beans
Salt and sugar to taste
2 sweet potatoes – boiled and blend until fine
2 liter water
¼ - ½ cup oil
2 – 3 tbsp flour – to thicken the gravy

Blend until fine:
10 shallots - blend
10 garlic - blend
3 lemon grass – blend
4cm ginger - ginger

  1. Stir-fry the shallots until soft then add in the blended ingredients and the curry powder. Sauté  until fragrant
  2. Add in the lemon grass and the galangal. Add a little water if necessary
  3. Add in the pounded peanuts and stir until well mixed
  4. Add in the tomato ketchup and the soya bean paste
  5. Then pour in water, the beef and prawn stocks, the diced beef and the blended sweet potato
  6. Season with salt and sugar. Stir until all the ingredients are well mixed
  7. Bring to a boil then simmer for about ½ hour
  8. Add in the tomatoes
  9. Dissolved 2 – 3 tablespoons of flour in about 1 cup of water. Mix it in the gravy to thicken it. Simmer for another ½ hour

How to serve (Garnishes)

Place the noodles in a bowl and top it off with:
  • Boiled egg – sliced
  • Bean sprouts – scalded
  • Red and green chilies – sliced
  • Cooked prawns – sliced
  • Limes – sliced
  • Fried bean curds – sliced
  • Spring onions and Chinese celery – chopped 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Malaysian Food - Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay

Malaysian Food – Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay

This dish - Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay was one of my Mom’s favorite dish. Usually we made it with Black Pomfret but you can make it with any fish that you like.

In this video, I cut the fish in 3 sections because I wanted it to cook faster and it looked nicer when I took the photographs. You can leave it whole; fry it and place it on a plate and then pour the satay sauce on top of the fish before serving

Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay



0:00 Title – Malaysian Food – Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay

0:06 Ingredients
1 whole fish such as Black Pomfret – rub with ground turmeric and some salt. Leave for about 15 minutes
1 cup of thick coconut milk
1/3 cup of tamarind juice
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 sticks of lemon grass – bruised
2 cm of galangel – bruised
1/3 cup of oil
3 tablespoons sugar
Salt according to taste

Note*** The oil for deep frying the fish can be reused to make the sauce. Drain the oil but leave 1/3 cup in the wok

Blend these ingredients until fine:
5 tablespoons of chili paste
10 shallots
5 garlic

1:01 Directions
1.     Deep fry the fish until golden brown. Drain and put aside
2.     Heat about 1/3 cup of oil, sauté the bruised lemon grass and the galangal until fragrant
3.     Add in the blended ingredients and fry until the oil appears on the surface
4.     Add in the tamarind juice and the thick coconut milk
5.     Let simmer over medium heat
6.     Add in the ground peanuts and stir well
7.     Season the sauce with sugar and salt
8.     Add in the fish and coat evenly with the sauce. Alternatively if you leave the fish whole, pour the sauce over the fish before serving


0:06 Bahan-bahan
1 ikan seperti ikan bawal hitam – boleh kerat 3 jika suka
1 cawan santan pekat
1/3 cawan kacang tanah tumbuk
4 sudu besar gula
2 batang serai – titk
2 sm lengkuas – titk
1/3 cawan minyak
3 sudu besar gula
Garam secukup rasa

Nota*** Boleh guna 1/3 cawan minyak bekas menggoreng ikan

1:01 Peraturan
1.     Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali. Tumis serai dan lengkuas sehingga naik bau
2.     Selepas 1 atau 2 minit, masukkan bahan kisar dan tumis sehingga garing
3.     Masukkan air asam jawa dan santan pekat
4.     Didihkan di atas api sederhana
5.     Masukkan kacang tumbuk
6.     Rasa – masukkan gula dan garam secukupnya
7.     Masukkan ikan – balik-balikkan supaya rata. Jika ikan itu tidak dikerat, tuangkan kuah satay itu di atas ikan tadi sebelum dihidang

Friday, April 22, 2016

Malaysian Food - Egg Sambal / Sambal Tumis Telur

Malaysian Food – Egg Sambal / Sambal Tumis Telur

This Egg Sambal / Sambal Tumis Telur is a welcome change from the usual seafood or meat dishes that I made for dinner. I usually have the sambal on hand so I can whip out this Egg Sambal in a jiffy.

Egg Sambal / Sambal Tumis Telur 

Title – Malaysian Food – Egg Sambal / Sambal Tumis Telur

4 hardboiled eggs
6 tablespoons of chili paste
1 shallot – sliced
½ onion – sliced 2cm thick
1 lemon grass – bruised
1 teaspoon tamarind – take about ¼ cup juice
salt and sugar to taste
½ cup of oil

Blend these ingredients then mix them with the chili paste:
5 shallots
1 teaspoon of shrimp paste

  1. Fry the hard-boiled eggs until brown. Remove and set aside
  2. Heat ½ cup of oil in a saucepan. Sauté the sliced onions until translucent then add in the blended ingredients and the chili paste. Fry until fragrant
  3. Add in the tamarind juice then add salt and sugar to taste
  4. Add a little water then add in the fried eggs. Spoon the sambal over the eggs until  they are coated with the sambal
  5. Finally add in the slices of onion and cook until they are translucent. Remove from heat

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Coconut Milk Rice / Nasi Lemak

Malaysian Food – Coconut Milk Rice/ Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak is the traditional dish of Malaysia. I remember growing up in Johore, it was a breakfast dish and traditionally it’s eaten with boiled egg, sliced cucumber, fried peanuts and anchovies and topped with hot, spicy sambal.

When I moved to Kuala Lumpur in my teens, I found that Nasi Lemak is eaten with anything – fried chicken, Rendang, squid sambal etc. and eaten anytime of the day.

The recipe in this video is the traditional way of cooking Nasi Lemak in Johore, the southern state of Malaysia. We throw in about a spoonful of fenugreek to give that hint of a delicious aroma. 

Coconut Milk Rice / Nasi Lemak 


For 4 servings

2 ½ cups rice – cleaned and drained the water
3 shallots – sliced
1 garlic – sliced
2 cm. ginger – julienned
1 lemon grass – bruised
2 ½ cups coconut milk (use ½ a coconut – grated)

  1. Place the rice in the rice cooker. Add in sliced shallots, garlic, ginger and lemon grass
  2. Pour in the coconut milk, add in the fenugreek, and salt to taste. Stir well.
  3. Switch on the rice cooker. Fluff up the rice when cooked

 How to wrap the rice in banana leaves
  1. Clean the banana leaves then pass the leaves over the flame several times for a second to make them pliable and easy to fold
  2. Place a bowl of rice in the middle of the leaf
  3. Garnish with boiled egg, slices of cucumber, fried anchovies and peanuts; and topped it off with a spoonful of sambal
  4. Bring both sides towards the middle, make sure they overlap
  5. Quickly and carefully fold the end 
  6. Repeat for the other end

Friday, April 15, 2016

Prawns in Coconut Milk Curry / Udang Masak Lemak

Malaysian Food - Prawns in Coconut Milk Curry / Udang Masak Lemak - this dish is easy to make and is must in your cooking repertoire.

Prawns in Coconut Milk Curry / Udang Masak Lemak



½ kilo of big-sized prawns – remove the legs and cut off the tips of the heads and tails. Marinate for 15 minutes with ground turmeric and a pinch of salt.
4 garlic – sliced
1 onion – halved and sliced
1 liter coconut milk
3 pieces of tofu - cut into 2 triangles and fried until slightly browned
1 red chili – sliced
1 green chili – sliced
¼ cup of tamarind juice
¼ cup of oil


  1. Heat the oil and saute the garlic and onions
  2. Add in the prawns
  3. Add in the coconut milk and the tamarind juice. Cook over medium heat, stirring often to prevent it from curdling
  4. When the prawns are cooked, add in the fried tofu and the sliced red and green chilies.
  5. Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring until all the ingredients are well mixed

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fried Macaroni with Meat Sauce / Makaroni Goreng

Try my Fried Macaroni with Meat Sauce (Makaroni Goreng) - Pasta is a great ingredient for quick and delicious dishes. Whether you're cooking for a family supper or entertaining with friends, this dish will never fail to impress. It's fast, easy and everyone loves it. Usually I made it from the spaghetti sauce that I have in the freezer. If you want more meat just add about 100 gr. or so minced meat after you saute the onions.

One of the readers asked me if she could add in an egg. Of course, you can! Beat the egg and add after you have added in the macaroni and stir it well. 

I love the taste of the coriander leaves and it makes a big difference ..... from a just  "Mmmmmm" to a "WOW" dish! I will add it in last after I have turned off the heat and mix it thoroughly with the macaroni.

Fried Macaroni with Meat Sauce / Makaroni Goreng


500 gm Pasta - Macaroni, ziti, rigatoni
800 gm Spaghetti Meat Sauce (Watch my video on Spaghetti Meat Sauce )
300 gm mixed vegetables
1 tablespoon - chili paste (mixed with a little bit of water)
1/2 onion - sliced
a bunch of coriander leaves - chopped coarsely
1/2 cup cooking oil


  1. Heat the oil in the wok, saute the sliced onions until translucent
  2. Add in the chili paste and fry until fragrant, then add in the spaghetti sauce
  3. Add in the mixed vegetables and stir until all the ingredients are well mixed
  4. Add in the macaroni and stir until all the macaroni are coated with the sauce
  5. Finally add in the chopped coriander leaves and mix it well with macaroni  

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spaghetti Sauce From Scratch / Cara Membuat Sos Spaghetti

This is my version of the "Hot-tempered" Arrabiata Spaghetti Sauce. The original version does not use ground meat. The sauce is essentially a simple meat spaghetti sauce that gets spiked with some hot green and bird's eye chilies. The result is AMAZING and it goes well with spaghetti or vermicelli pasta.

I usually make a big batch and then freeze it in small containers for later use. Very handy when you have guests or are in no mood for cooking. With this sauce available on hand, you can whipped up Fried Macaroni in no time!

Spaghetti Sauce From Scratch / Cara Membuat Sos Spaghetti


750 gr. ground meat
7 medium cans of peeled tomato (Buy the ones produced in Italy) - crushed or liquidized for a few seconds in a blender
1 can of tomato sauce
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
4 cloves garlic - chopped
1-2 onions - diced
4 green chilies - pounded
4 bird's eye chilies - pounded
1/2 cup Olive oil
8 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons salt

  1. Heat the oil in a saucepan, saute the garlic until slightly browned, the add in the diced onions and the pounded chilies. Stir-fry for a few minutes until the onions are translucent
  2. Add in the minced meat and cook until the meat is browned
  3. Liquidize the peeled tomatoes briefly in a blender, then pour it in the saucepan. Add in the tomato sauce and the tomato paste. Mix well
  4. Add in the sugar and the salt. Simmer for about 1 hour and the sauce is thick


Monday, April 11, 2016

Fried Tofu Salad Easy Recipe / Resepi Rojak Tauhu Goreng

This Fried Tofu Salad /Rojak Tauhu Goreng recipe is especially made for you. Rojak Tauhu Goreng (Fried Tofu Salad) can be eaten as side dish or as a meal in itself. The sauce can be made in advance and is good to keep

It's a healthy dish and the best thing about tofu - besides its nutritional value - is the way it carries other flavors, such as the sweetness/tanginess of the peanut sauce


Fried Tofu Salad Easy Recipe / Resepi Rojak Tauhu Goreng


300g of Bean sprouts – detailed and blanched for 3 minutes
1 Cucumber – cut lengthwise and sliced
2 pieces of Tofu – fried and cut into cubes

Ingredients for the sauce 
2 cups dark soy sauce
500 g palm sugar
20 bird’s eye chilies
10 garlic
10 cloves
10 cardamoms
Tamarind juice
1 cup ground peanuts
2 cups of water

  1. Pound the chilies and garlic finely and set aside
  2. Dissolve the sugar in water, add in the soy sauce and cook over medium heat
  3. Add in the cloves and cardamoms. Then add in the tamarind juice and salt to taste
  4. Bring to a boil and cook until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat
  5. In a bowl, put in the ground peanuts, chilies/garlic and the soy sauce mixture and stir until well mixed
  6. To serve: arrange a handful of soy beans, cucumber and fried tofu on a plate and topped it with 2/3 spoonfuls of the sauce

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Pickled Mangoes with Preserved Plums / Jeruk Mangga Asam Boi

Pickled mangoes with preserved plums 

Pickled mangoes with preserved plums

Malaysian Food - Pickled mangoes with preserved plums/ Jeruk Mangga Asam Boi are getting popular with Malaysians nowadays. It is easy to do and the taste is phenomenal - Hot, sour, and sweet all rolled into one!



2 unripe mangoes – peeled and sliced in wedges
5 preserved plums
1 red chili and 5 birds’ eye chilies
2 tablespoons sugar

  1. Marinate the sliced mangoes in salted water for ½ hour
  2. Then drain the salted water and place the mango pieces in a mixing bowl
  3. Add sugar, preserved plums and the chilies. Mix well
  4. Place the mangoes in the fridge for 2-3 hours before serving. This will maintain the crispness of the mangoes
Use your imagination, with the same but change the fruits and voila!!! ..... you create a whole new taste and recipe!

Watermelon and apple

Green Papaya


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Butter Prawns Mudah

The Buttered Prawns recipe brings out the best of the Malaysian cuisine. The success of this Butter Prawns dish is in the flick of the hand when you do the egg floss, which needs some practicing!!! 

  1. The oil/butter must be HOT
  2. Start stirring vigorously BEFORE you pour in the egg yolks
  3. When you pour the egg yolks, pour SLOWLY and in THIN stream
  4. When the oil started to foam for 2/3 minutes, switch OFF the stove, so the color of the floss is butter yellow instead of brown
Hope you enjoy making this simple yet delicious Butter Prawns

Malaysian Food - Easy Butter Prawns Recipe 

300 g of big-sized prawns - Remove the antennae, legs, tip of the head and tail
3 egg yolks – beaten
2 sprigs of curry leaves
2 garlic – sliced
3 bird’s eye chilies – sliced
2 tbsp of butter or margarine
3-4 tbsp of milk or cream (if preferred)
Salt to taste
A pinch of sugar
½ cup of Oil

Preparing the egg floss
  1. Heat the butter/margarine with the oil
  2. With the right hand holding the ladle, swirl the oil quickly in one direction. With the left hand, from a height of about 30 cm, pour the egg yolks slowly
  3. Continue swirling until the oil is foamy and the egg looks crispy. Remove from heat and place it in a sieve. Press the egg floss to remove excess oil

Directions for the prawn
  1. Heat the oil, sauté garlic, curry leaves and the bird’s eye chilies. Add in the prawns and salt to taste and add in the milk
  2. Fry the prawns until they are cooked.  Dish the prawns on to a plate Sprinkle some sugar on the egg floss and mix well, then garnish the prawns with the egg floss

Friday, April 8, 2016

Malaysian Food - Harisa


Malaysian Food - Harisa

Harisa or Harissa is a dish originating in the Middle East where it is called Harees. It is popular in Johore and mainly eaten during the month of Ramadan and the festive seasons - Hari Raya. It is usually made with chicken or mutton.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Malaysian Food - Bahmia

Bahmia or Bamia is essentially beef/ lamb and okra simmered in a fragrant, and spicy tomato-based broth. Okra is also known as Lady's fingers, bindhi or bahmia.  This is the Malaysian version where the spices for meat curry are used and the broth is not as tomatoey. The taste is different than the curry in that it should taste sourish.

In my grandfather's cookbook "Medan Selera" which was published in 1958 there are two versions of Bahmia recipes. My cousins and I have since republished and updated the cookbook with the title "Nostalgia Medan Selera" (Malay version) and "Medan Selera Odyssey" (English version) This version was also my Mom's favorite dish when she was entertaining guests, You can eat this dish with plain white rice, briyani rice or bread.  

Malaysian Food -  Bahmia

500 g. Meat (Beef or Lamb) - cut up into desired pieces
5 tablespoons Meat Curry Spice
1 – 2 tsp of sugar
6 Okras - cut off the tips and cut into 2 if too long
1 lime
2 tomatoes – quartered
100g Coriander leaves – chop
2 onions – quartered
2 tbsp of Tomato ketchup, 
3 tbsp of ghee 
2 cups fresh milk

Blend these ingredients:
10 Shallots
5 Garlic
4 cm of Ginger
1/2 teaspoons of salt

  1. Place the meat, the blended ingredients, curry powder and salt in a cooking pot. Mix them well
  2. Add 2-3 tbsp of ghee, Simmer over medium heat
  3. Add in the fresh milk. Mix well
  4. Add in tomato ketchup
  5. Add more water is the gravy is thick
  6. Add in the sugar and salt to taste
  7. Squeeze the lime and bring to a boil
  8. Add in the okra and the tomatoes
  9. Simmer over low heat until the oil appears on the surface and the meat is tender. And lastly, add in the coriander leaves