
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Malaysian Food - Spicy Fried Chicken / Ayam Goreng Berempah

Fried chicken is one dish you find all over the world but every country has its own unique fried chicken recipe. For Malaysia it is spicy fried chicken (Ayam Goreng Berempah). This recipe is from the celebrity chef/ actress Sheila Rusly

Malaysian Food – Spicy Fried Chicken / Ayam Goreng Berempah


1 chicken – cut into 8 – 12 pieces
3 teaspoons of fish curry powder
3 teaspoons of turmeric powder
4 shallots
6 lemon grass – cut into 1 – 3 cm in length
2 pieces of galangal – cut into 1 – 3 cm
5 teaspoons of chili paste
2 sprigs of curry leaves
5 dried chilies – cut into 3
1 teaspoon of chicken flavoring or salt
Oil for deep frying

  1. Coarsely pound the shallots, galangal and lemon grass
  2. Add in the curry powder, turmeric powder, the pounded ingredients, the flavoring/salt and the chili paste on the chicken. Mix until all the pieces are well coated
  3. Marinate or leave over-night in the fridge
  4. Before frying, remove as much as possible the marinade from the chicken pieces
  5. Heat the oil, and fry the chicken until brown
  6. Continuously remove the crumbs so that it will not get burnt
  7. Fry the excess marinade, when it is slightly brown add in the dried chilies and the curry leaves
  8. Remove and drain the oil
  9. When serving, sprinkle the marinade crumbs on the chicken

Recipe adapted from Sheila Rusly's facebook page

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Malaysian Food - Chili Crabs with Egg / Ketam Masak Cili Bertelur

According to Wikipedia, Chili crab is a seafood dish popular in Singapore and Malaysia. Mud crabs are commonly used and are stir-fried in a semi-thick, sweet and savory tomato and chili based sauce. The stir-fried crabs began as a street-food and were created by a Singaporean chef, Cher Yam Tian and her husband Lim Choo Ngee who first sold this mouth-watering dish from a pushcart in the 50’s.

This is a Malaysian version of the Chili Crabs. It is quick and simple but oh .... Soooo GOOD!

Malaysian Food: Chili Crabs with Egg / Ketam Masak Cili Bertelur

2 big-sized crabs – remove the shell and cut into 2
3 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp chili sauce
3 tbsp chili paste
7 shallots
1 garlic
4 cm ginger
1 egg
Salt and sugar

  1. Blend the chili, garlic, shallots and ginger and fry the blended ingredients until fragrant
  2. Add in 1 cup of water
  3. Add in the crabs, close the wok with a lid for 10 minutes
  4. Add in all the sauces, salt and sugar to taste
  5. Mix until all the crabs are coated with the sauce. Add in the beaten egg
  6. Stir vigorously so that the egg will not curdle

************** MALAY VERSION **************

2 ekor ketam yang agak besar dibuang kulit yang keras tu dan dibelah dua.
3 sudu sos tiram
3 sudu sos cili
3 sudu cili yang dah diblend
7 ulas bawang merah
1 ulas bawang putih yang agak besar
sepotong halia
sebiji telur
sedikit gula
sedikit minyak untuk menumis
bawang besar

  1. Tumbuk cili, bawang putih, bawang merah dan halia tumiskan sehingga bangkit baunya
  2. Masukkan secawan air
  3. Masukkan ketam, tutup kuali sehingga 10 minit
  4. Masukkan segala sos, gula dan garam secukup rasa
  5. Bila semua dah nampak macam sebati, masukkan telur yang dah dipukul,
  6. Kacau cepat-cepat supaya telur tak berketul.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Malaysian Food - How to cook Mee Rebus / Cara Membuat Mee Rebus

This Mee Rebus recipe is one of my Mom’s favorite recipes. This recipe is easy to do and it will be your family’s favorite too.

Mee Rebus


           500g small-sized prawns – boiled and keep aside 1 liter of the stock
500g beef – Cook the meat until tender and dice. Keep aside 1 liter of the stock
Beef Curry Powder
1 onion – sliced
3 lemon grass – bruised
5cm galangal – bruised
2 tomatoes – cut in 6 wedges
2 cups peanuts – pounded
4 tbsp tomato ketchup
2 tbsp fermented soya beans
Salt and sugar to taste
2 sweet potatoes – boiled and blend until fine
2 liter water
¼ - ½ cup oil
2 – 3 tbsp flour – to thicken the gravy

Blend until fine:
10 shallots - blend
10 garlic - blend
3 lemon grass – blend
4cm ginger - ginger

  1. Stir-fry the shallots until soft then add in the blended ingredients and the curry powder. Sauté  until fragrant
  2. Add in the lemon grass and the galangal. Add a little water if necessary
  3. Add in the pounded peanuts and stir until well mixed
  4. Add in the tomato ketchup and the soya bean paste
  5. Then pour in water, the beef and prawn stocks, the diced beef and the blended sweet potato
  6. Season with salt and sugar. Stir until all the ingredients are well mixed
  7. Bring to a boil then simmer for about ½ hour
  8. Add in the tomatoes
  9. Dissolved 2 – 3 tablespoons of flour in about 1 cup of water. Mix it in the gravy to thicken it. Simmer for another ½ hour

How to serve (Garnishes)

Place the noodles in a bowl and top it off with:
  • Boiled egg – sliced
  • Bean sprouts – scalded
  • Red and green chilies – sliced
  • Cooked prawns – sliced
  • Limes – sliced
  • Fried bean curds – sliced
  • Spring onions and Chinese celery – chopped 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Malaysian Food - Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay

Malaysian Food – Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay

This dish - Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay was one of my Mom’s favorite dish. Usually we made it with Black Pomfret but you can make it with any fish that you like.

In this video, I cut the fish in 3 sections because I wanted it to cook faster and it looked nicer when I took the photographs. You can leave it whole; fry it and place it on a plate and then pour the satay sauce on top of the fish before serving

Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay



0:00 Title – Malaysian Food – Fish with Satay Sauce / Ikan Masak Kuah Satay

0:06 Ingredients
1 whole fish such as Black Pomfret – rub with ground turmeric and some salt. Leave for about 15 minutes
1 cup of thick coconut milk
1/3 cup of tamarind juice
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 sticks of lemon grass – bruised
2 cm of galangel – bruised
1/3 cup of oil
3 tablespoons sugar
Salt according to taste

Note*** The oil for deep frying the fish can be reused to make the sauce. Drain the oil but leave 1/3 cup in the wok

Blend these ingredients until fine:
5 tablespoons of chili paste
10 shallots
5 garlic

1:01 Directions
1.     Deep fry the fish until golden brown. Drain and put aside
2.     Heat about 1/3 cup of oil, sauté the bruised lemon grass and the galangal until fragrant
3.     Add in the blended ingredients and fry until the oil appears on the surface
4.     Add in the tamarind juice and the thick coconut milk
5.     Let simmer over medium heat
6.     Add in the ground peanuts and stir well
7.     Season the sauce with sugar and salt
8.     Add in the fish and coat evenly with the sauce. Alternatively if you leave the fish whole, pour the sauce over the fish before serving


0:06 Bahan-bahan
1 ikan seperti ikan bawal hitam – boleh kerat 3 jika suka
1 cawan santan pekat
1/3 cawan kacang tanah tumbuk
4 sudu besar gula
2 batang serai – titk
2 sm lengkuas – titk
1/3 cawan minyak
3 sudu besar gula
Garam secukup rasa

Nota*** Boleh guna 1/3 cawan minyak bekas menggoreng ikan

1:01 Peraturan
1.     Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali. Tumis serai dan lengkuas sehingga naik bau
2.     Selepas 1 atau 2 minit, masukkan bahan kisar dan tumis sehingga garing
3.     Masukkan air asam jawa dan santan pekat
4.     Didihkan di atas api sederhana
5.     Masukkan kacang tumbuk
6.     Rasa – masukkan gula dan garam secukupnya
7.     Masukkan ikan – balik-balikkan supaya rata. Jika ikan itu tidak dikerat, tuangkan kuah satay itu di atas ikan tadi sebelum dihidang